Saturday, January 25, 2020
Sites Overview And Comparison Tourism Essay
Sites Overview And Comparison Tourism Essay 1: site A (Old Colliery ) its a disused site due to the wards acute and depravation, it requires considerable sterilisation of the premises and clean up the site before making any moves which will cost extra found to be invest out of the initial budget and also the site was used as a dump chemical site, transportation fluidity is extremely poor in this location when coming from Western District zone going toward the Eastern site of the district, and also the image of the site is likely to be seen as low restrict living environment and if considering the diminishment of green space in this locality where people are not willing to be staying in this low class environment where suitable housing accommodation are nowhere to be found. Now when highlighting the dump chemical on this site if taking an example of Fukushima in the recent year nuclear accident when focusing on the radio activity, we could easily underpin that radioactivity diminishes in time, so waste material is general insul ated and be stored for a time period until they no longer constitutes a danger, but might also depends on the kind of waste. For wastes at low level of instance having low levels of radiation per mass unit might have being stored for within hours or days while the advanced level must be retained for a year or longer. However its environmental problems could be numerous. Now going back in the time when taking this scenario of us compare to Landfills issue we could come across two distinct major issues about the dump chemical waste concerning the environment and these are the atmospheric effects and hydrological effects. Where most often the household cleaning chemicals thrown by the surrounding people of site, along with the old industrial sites in this area get accumulate and mix over the time, the mixture of chemicals like bleach from the surrounding household of the site produce toxic gases that can significantly impact the quality of air. A more immediate concern is for the welfa re of wildlife that comes in contact with these chemicals and it is not unusual to allow them to suffer being incredibly painful deaths from the chemical contamination. In conclusion we could tell that the environmental issues this District is not the appropriate place on where to build an NHS Hospital where physical treatment will be held, and over factor regarding the environment is that this site lacks of green space where the availability of green space is easy to be found on Dams Nature Reserve District. Aside from the various types of gases that can be created, formation of non-chemical contamination along with the dust may cause the atmosphere having impact in the air quality issue. 2: Site B (Dams Nature Reserve) has much opportunities as it is described in the report compare to the others site due to the fact that it gives way to the nearest railway station, buses service are available to be used on the site and can lead you travel from the Middle district site toward the Western site of the district, where the people around the site are well intellectual and professional which mushes the requirements of NHS entry careers portfolio which demands t to study for a recognised qualification for these professional staff member even though you can join NHS along with good GCSE and / or work experience in several of lower rank roles, as receptionist or porter from where you can build up qualifications and experience until you reach a senior role career, such as a laundry services supervisor. However the emplacement of Dams Nature Reserve meets the construction requirement, where the aim is to build a hospital in the Mid Southern District side which comes closer to th is district along with the golf park viewed as an attractive activity could draw the attention of people in the site. All the more its a well prestige site compared to the others districts. It will attract more visitors on the site for those coming to pay for the health service if the NHS is built on this site or any other activities around the site that could attract investor, these could be the non-clinical support services such as catering, cleaning, laundry and pottering all of these could be run with less educating people from the other district that will come working at Dams Nature Reserve, where return revenue can boost the economical density in the area. History revealed that in the 1900s Great Britain also allowed workers from foreign places to come due to the fact that Britain was short of labour force and this encourage economic growth for the country which could also be the case for Dams Nature Reserve to call up for the less skilled population in the others District. No w with the existence of green space around the hospital shore will be viewed as a positive mind set for the environment, because spaces provide habitat for a wide range of birds, fish, animals, insects and other organisms, while avoid soil erosion and absorbing the rain water, thereby improving the drainage. It enables recreational use, somewhere to play meditating collect, or rest. Green provides a sense of social location it possible to obtain social recognition reinforce the feeling of the relationship and family solidarity, can teach and lead others, the opportunity to thinking about the personal values and social support and the link between residents and the natural environment that surrounds it. permit the city more bearable which is crucial for a community to be sustainable. In every walk of life, green space draws people on the outside and promotes social interaction. Provides spaces in which people can get together and possibilities for positive social interaction and envi ronments. Studies have revealed that the residents in the vicinity of common green spaces had more social activities and more visitors, community gardens are beneficial to the specific health issues affecting the low-income communities in urban areas. Exhibition in green space reduces stress and increases a sense of well-being and belonging, as the buses pollute the air, where the use of green space is shown to absorb pollution from cars driven miles away per day it has also been shown to reduce the urban heat island effect, directly by shading heat absorbent surfaces, and indirectly through cooling evapotranspiration. It also helps reduce noise, by shields dense in trees and bushesand may even clean up partially treated waste water. Finally, a green area is an indicator of overall ecological health of the ecosystem. It comes to a significant step in assessing the ecological viability in the community of Dams Nature Reserve, which is found to be the most prosperous parts of all dist ricts. Why Protect Urban Green Space? 3: when taking into account the profile of district C (Derelict Woolen Mill Complex ), we come to understand that this part of the district also have good attribute on which its well considerable place to leave on. it location gives access to motorway and buses ride from middle woollen town, but as we are recommended to build an hospital that will best serve demands for people, especially in the Mid Southern District, where enough space for car park would not really be possible to build in the zone, is the traffic issue were when considering transportation connexion from the hospital to be and the link between the districts for the good functioning of the traffic within the district itself and its boundaries in order to increase the traffic in this area but will cost up to a quarter of any budget as its mentioned on the district profile while we are trying to focus on the NHS Trust Hospital budget rather than having extra found to be raised in the contract . we could extremely say th at its necessary to have much more roads to easily transfer people from one place to the others in case of emergency situation, while district B is more reliable and profitable for cars owners, public transport and others transportation facilities to move around compare to the rest of the districts . Now as every organisation or business fields we all aim to gain a positive return profit to satisfy our needs along with to meet the patients and visitors needs and requirement, however, there is not a competitive advantage opportunity of the economy in this area due to the fact that people are going jobless and also the others aspect that worries the team is the fact Derelict Woolen Mill Complex District is also seen as a depravation site. Justification and suggestion: When reading article about the three sites Old Colliery, Dams Nature Reserve and Derelict Woolen Mill Complex, weve understand that Old Colliery District in the past was use as a dumping site for chemical experiences where taking into account the radio activities in this area will not be suitable to establish an NHS Trust Hospital due to the fact of the air pollution and also the image of the site when it cannot attract investor to come establish themselves in this particular area of the district, moving on Derelict Woolen Mill Complex we deliberately see that the site has access to public transport with others good aspect but because its also hold the similar attribute of Old Colliery District when it comes to depravation and also because if having the NHS hospital in this locality it will be difficult for visitors to have access to car park. However, when analysing Dams Nature Reserve we came to conclude that its the suitable site on which we should invest on. our choice in that pa rticular site comes when comparing the three districts and their overall overview Dams Nature Reserve met the requirement needed to build the NHS Hospital on due to the fact that it has access to public transport and having a green space in itself which is highly important as a place where having a business activities and hospital around, Dams Nature Reserve District also leads you travel from the Middle district toward the Western district, where the NHS Trust Hospital is proposed to be in this particular map of the District SWOT PEST Analyses Strength: the strength of Dams Nature Reserve is that, its hold a green space environment as a park recreation for people to be coming and have a fresh moment of rest, while the district itself is the most prosperous site compare the rest of them, it has access to public transport and the reputation of the district comes with intellectual and professional people as with a good living environment compared to Derelict Woolen Mill Complex. Weakness: thinking of the weakness of Dams Nature Reserve comes with the Specialist Scientific Interest and the absence of water and also the wildlife activist. Opportunity: the opportunity of building the NHS Trust Hospital will again come to reinforce the economical aspect of the district itself and also permit the workforce from the others district to get themselves a job opportunity, while the Hospital itself will also meets the demand for the local and surrounding population. Threats: in this scenario we could see the threats as the wildlife group and environmental opposition to come into an accord on how to cope with this issue in order to establish the NHS Hospital in the District. Political In the political aspect of this task we understand that Hilary Thompson ought to push forward the coming of this NHS Hospital in order to raise her profile due to the coming of the next election. It could have been important for her to use her statue as a member of the parliament to help solve the issue with the activist by having an accord with Dams Nature Reserve District in order to establish the NHS which will at first place reinforce the health service in her district and also promote job for her local community by having some percentage of workforce labour. Economic The economic factors is seen to be a professional place to live on where private hospital have already establish themselves and if focus on the return revenue, after solving the conflict between wild activist and others joint group will certainty comes to be a positive choice in regard of investment as it is also demonstrated by a bank representative concerning this site. Social Lifestyle factors such as wild activists and the opposed citizen that are not willing to let PFI financing the Hospital project. Technological Looking at the technological aspect the people living at Dams Nature Reserve are highly professional and can fluently work in the hospital including the technological aspect with in it Environment: Having the Hospital built in Dams Nature Reserve will come to be an ideal place due to the fact that it fits the ecological view of the people and the site never been used as dump chemical experience, along with its green space for the wellbeing of people around life style view is mentioned to be a professional place to live on Legal:
Friday, January 17, 2020
Building an Ethical Organization Part 2 Essay
Individual: Building an Ethical Organization Part 1 The name of my organization is Focus Mental Health and Developmental Agency Focus is an agency that provides help and compassion to people that are going through a mental health issue whether it is needing counseling, support, or medication treatment Focus is your path to peace of mind. Substance abuse is another issue that we address from helping to get assistance to go into inpatient treatment facility, or outpatient treatment, as well as Aftercare which is a support program for clients being fresh out of drug or alcohol treatment or stopping using on their own. Recovery program that can be provided through Focus for continued success at a productive life for clients. Recovery is a life altering event because the client will be drug or alcohol free for a certain amount of time but will constantly be on a mission to stay free from these addictions. We have case managers who do home visits as well as office visits to stay on top of our clientsââ¬â¢ needs before they become a crisi s. We promote medication therapy which assists clients in staying on a strict medication regiment for mental health and some substance abuse treatments as well when necessary. Groups for substance and alcohol abuse meet weekly, the meeting are separated in to one for teenagers and one for adults as well as one for narcotics and one for alcohol abuse. Focus also has a team that works in human services call the impact team which do such things as take the clients grocery shopping, or to appointments or out to functions in town and even to visit family members they are up close and personal with the clients. The clientele for Focus will be children starting at age 10 and up through adulthood. The clients are high in number in male and female ratio, meaning we service high numbers of both genders. Clientele for Focus consist of primarily low income clients but is open to all residents of Richmond County. Children and adults that may be going through a turning point in their lives and ne ed some assistance in adapting to the changes and probably have no other placeà to turn are much of Focus clientele. Within our substance abuse programs many of our clients are repeaters they have had some type of counseling or treatment in the past, the clients are children as well as adults. Much of our clientele is involved in long term care phases with Focus they are in need of support in their lives, medications and usually involved in aftercare or recovery. Mental health issues brings many clients to Focus, they sometimes come straight from the hospital to the offices of Focus they are usually in great need of care. Our clientele is very diverse we have to be prepared for almost anything from getting someone to speak another language to clients to giving a child a hug. Focus is a non-profit organization, but we do bring in an income by charging for services, on a sliding fee scale, services maybe free for those who qualify, or clients can setup a payment plan, but the rates are according to income and ability to pay. Focus has to charge a small fee to cover their bills and overhead to stay in business and grow and continue to service the Richmond County area. Focus is not in business to get wealthy but to make a difference in the lives of our clients and the community. The issue of Focus is to support an issue of private or public interest that does not include a monetary value. Mission Statement: Focus gracefully and respectfully service adults and children that may be at a turning point in their life and are having mental health and/or substance abuse issues, as well as people in any phase of relapse. Focus particularly caters to low income people but all are welcome, we serve the county of Richmond. Our goal is to provide our clients with the knowledge, treatment and support so they can return to a life of independence, good health and wellbeing; and Focus encourages and support clients in their aftercare and recovery as needed. We do not discriminate against anyone needing service for any reason; we are made up of a diverse society at Focus. The mission statement supports the ethical system because Focus not only will treat the clients and bring them around to better health and not only that Focus will make sure that the clients learns the tools they need to stay healthy and recover, and continue on a path to independence again. The mission statement supports the ethical s ystem because it calls for diversity which is a big part of the clients that come to the agency and the staff. Theà message the mission statement send to the community is that we are here for you, to help you, support you and see that your needs are met. Focus will be with you through your journey and for the long term until you are able to become more manageable in your life. That during your need for Focus services you can count on us and we will teach you how to take the best care of yourself with and without our assistance. Drohan William M, (June 2010) wrote a successful statement becomes a unifying force, a foundation on which to build, and a reference point for everything the association does. Its well worth the time to make sure it is written in such a way that it will serve as a guide and an inspiration for many years to come. Values statement: At Focus we value and treat everyone that comes through our doors with mutual respect and dignity. We will have acceptance of all people regardless if there is any kind of difference between us, we will always embrace diversity. Focus will respect each clientââ¬â¢s privacy by protecting their medical records at all times, and allowing only staff directly involved with client care to view records. There will be no room for sexual harassment of clients or staff. Kernaghan, K. (2003) writes, A values statement expressing values that are shared at all organizational levels-combined with the dispersal of leadership roles throughout the organization-provides an especially strong foundation for integrating values into public service. These values will inspire action and influence behavior because it states that you will be treated with mutual respect, so clients will know to be on their best behavior and staff will know that also as well as being professional at all times. By accepting d iversity that lets all clients know that they are welcome, important and will be getting equal treatment. The clients will feel protected knowing their medical records are kept confidential and they will not be sexually harassed during their visit. They both call for treating the clients with mutual respect, regardless of any type of differences that maybe. Values and mission statements both state that they are for diversity so it includes people, make people want to come forward and get care. Knowledge and support for the clients is a part of the values statement as well as the mission statement. Long term care is part of each statement which would usually be necessary for Mental Health and Substance abuse treatment. The mission statement and the valuesà statement in different ways states that they want the best for the clients, want them to get the best service or treatment available at Focus, so they can be their best. Code of Ethics All employees will abide by these codes of ethics at all times (except when necessary not to), we will present good conduct ourselves at all times to be a credit to the organization and the community we serve. Yi-Hui, Haung, (2010) states, First, responding to the argument that ethics codes are not an effective indicator of professionalism, I believe that a code of ethics is part of the standards that must be fulfilled for an ââ¬Å"occupationâ⬠to be a ââ¬Å"profession,â⬠especially for public relations. 1.All staff should attempt to meet the needs of their clients, including committing to and respecting client rights and maintaining confidentiality at all times, except in special cases. 2.Staff should be knowledgeable in a variety of areas and situations in order to be able to effectively perform their duties in human services. 3.All staff must work well with their peers and should show mutual respect for one another, and avoid negative criticism. 4.All staff must carry themselves in a professional manner at all times and must not let their personal lives interfere with being professional on the job. 5.All staff should work for the benefit of society and make sure that all clients equal rights are protected and have an opportunity for helpful services that meet their need. 6.Staff will not argue with clients or other staff if a situation should come up between either of the two it must be taken to the supervisor and dealt with directly if the situation cannot be handle in any other fashion 7.All staff must vow to speak up if they see or know of another employee that is violating the codes of ethics, the law, or a client these matters must be addressed with your immediate supervisor. 8.The use of drugs will not be tolerated, and the use of alcohol while on the clock will not be tolerated either, if you suspect another employee report it, it is for the safety and protection of the organization. 9.All employees should exercise their power to prevent m istakes or wrongdoing by asking questions at the right time. 10.All staff should respect the property of others, be honest and not take unfair advantage of other employees. The code of ethics inspires a tangible outcome from an employee because they will want to be the best example for the organization and their peers. Theà code of ethics would cause the employee to check their work more carefully and make sure it is done correctly and by the law as well as dealing with the clients. The code also helps the employees feel protected, because it sets rules and guidelines for the employees and all must abide by them equally. The code of ethics is related to the mission and values of the organization because they are there to co-inside with each other for the direction of the organization, and the protection of the clients and staff. All three are necessary for the good of the organization, the focus and the goal to be effective. Our organization plans on having a relaxing, calm, approachable family oriented culture. The atmosphere will be calming, loud noise will be prevented as much as possible, and we tell our clients to invite a family member if possible to the appointments. Our staff will carry themselves in a professional, plight and clam manner in order to set an example for the clients, so they will not get excited. The culture will institutionalize the organizations values by having them mesh together. When the clients see how the environment of the organization is they will be more than willing to come to their appointments regularly and participate in their treatment and perhaps invite a family member. Even though this will be a change for the clients from an institution staff will do everything to help them adjust. Focus employees will treat everyone with dignity, respect, honest, and kindness this is the type of atmosphere we represent. Identifying my moral responsibility as a leader is of importance, because the workers will be watching and imitating the kind of behavior that I display, the leader sets the mood in the environment in the whole organization. I will be responsible for all action that I take part in, and be honest and truthful in all my actions. While trying to maintain the ethical standard I will be evaluating their performance in six month intervals and on their anniversary date. For the six month if no problems the employee will get a gift card to a store and for the anniversary day they get a raise. I will have a one on one meeting to talk about their performance evaluation and their strengths and weakness and how they can improve during their job. I will keep a record of all evaluation so I can assist workers in being the best employee they can be. I will lead by example. Part of my moral responsibility is to lead the worker to the best of my abilities. I wil l make sure that I set the same kind of ethicalà standards that I would like for my workers to follow. Morals have to do with values and values relate to compassion, integrity, and dignity and these are things that I will display while I am in a leadership role. I will maintain Focus ethical standard while measuring the workers performance by treating all employees as individuals and as fair as possible. There will be an ethics committee which will consist of the me, my boss and one employee so the employees will have a voice. The ethics committee will review the evaluations to make sure all rule and guidelines have been followed and the committee will study different methods and organization policy to look for what is right and what is wrong. Other than me leading by example and the ethics committee the workers will follow suit and become loyal employees. The structures I would put in place for oversight is training for employees, evaluate new employees the first six months of em ployment. In conclusion the mission and value statements and the code of ethics form the core of Focus is something that clients and employees can value in the organization. They serve as a guiding tool for employees so they can give their clients the best service practically every time. Effective leadership is necessary for morale and production in the organization and that comes from a good leader. Performance evaluations will play an important role in the structure of the employeeââ¬â¢s positions. Periodical performance evaluations are necessary in order to evaluate the performance of the employees and maintain an ethical standard. The Focus is a place where people with mental health issues and/or substance abuse issues can come for help and get their needs met and feel safe. References Drohan, W. M. (1999, January). Writing a mission statement. Association missions statement; writing, 51(1), 1. Retrieved from Kernaghan, K. (2003). Integrating values in to public services: The value statement as a centerpiece. Public Administration Review, 63(6), 711-719. Retrieved from Huang, Y. (2010, June). Should a public relations code of efforts be enforced.. Journal of Business Ethics, 31(3), 259-270. Retrieved from
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Decision Based On Intention - 1404 Words
By consequences or intentions? In this essay, I will argue that we should make our decision based on intention. I will first examine the exposition and criticism of whether actions should be judged by consequence and intention respectively. I will then provide an assessment of which one we should base on and make the final conclusion on we should base our judgment on both consequences and intentions. Theories relating to actions should be judged by intentions are much and I would focus on Footââ¬â¢s argument and the utilitarianism by the mill. Because they are the main argument that developed to support those actions should be judged by consequences. And for theories that relating to actions should be judged by intention, I focus on talking about the theory of Kant. The reason is that Kant, as a famous philosopher, developed a well-known theory that related to this and it is controversial in the philosophy area. So I would concentrate on the argument made by Kant and the criticism of his theory. The question of whether we should judge our actions by consequences or intentions is important in at least two aspects. First of all, all the actions we make contain both intentions and consequences, and this is related to all people in the world and which is important to anyone at anytime and anywhere as we are keeping on making a decision. Second, it links to the ethical theory of the philosophical aspect and which is a crucial theory relating to normative ethics. Why our actionsShow MoreRelatedAn Argument On Virtue Ethics Essay1140 Words à |à 5 Pagesthat moral philosophy is sufficient for a virtuous person to make a decision in any given circumstances because it guides the person to be certain not in making the correct decision but in having virtuous intention. A personââ¬â¢s virtuous intention is based not by what end it reaches. It is by what action is made. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Common Application (Definition, Tips, and More)
In the 2017-18 academic year, The Common Application is used for undergraduate admissions by nearly 700 colleges and universities. The Common Application is an electronic college application system that collects a wide range of information: personal data, educational data, standardized test scores, family information, academic honors, extracurricular activities, work experience, a personal essay, and criminal history. Financial aid information needs to be handled on the FAFSA. The Reasoning Behind the Common Application The Common Application had modest beginnings in the 1970s when a few colleges and universities decided to make the application process easier for applicants by allowing them to create one application, photocopy it, and then mail it to multiple schools. As the application process moved online, this basic idea of making the application process easier for students has remained. If you are applying to 10 schools, you will need to type in all of your personal information, test score data, family information, and even your application essay just once.à Other similar single-application options have emerged more recently, such as the Cappex Application and the Universal College Application, although these options are not as widely accepted yet.à The Reality of the Common Application The seeming ease of using one application to apply to multiple schools certainly sounds appealing if you are a college applicant. The reality, however, is that the Common Application isnt, in fact, common for all schools, especially the more selective member institutions. While, the Common Application will save you time entering all that personal information, test score data, and details of your extracurricular involvement, individual schools often want to get school-specific information from you. The Common Application has evolved to allow all member institutions to request supplemental essays and other materials from applicants. In the original ideal of the Common App, applicants would write just a single essay when applying to college. Today, if an applicant were to apply to all eight of the Ivy League schools, that student would need to write over thirty essays in addition to the common one in the main application. Moreover, applicants are now allowed to create more than one Comm on Application, so you can, in fact, send different applications to different schools. Like many businesses, the Common Application had to choose between its ideal of being common and its desire to be a widely used application. To achieve the latter, it had to bend to the whims of potential member colleges and universities, and this meant making the application customizable, an obvious move away from being common. What Types of Colleges Use the Common Application? Originally, only schools that evaluated applications holisticallyà were allowed to use the Common Application; that is, the original philosophy behind the Common Application was that students should be evaluated as whole individuals, not just as a collection of numerical data such as class rank, standardized test scores, and grades. Every member institution needed to take into consideration non-numerical information derived from things such as letters of recommendation,à anà application essay, and extracurricular activities. If a college based admission solely on GPA and test scores, they could not be a member of the Common Application. Today this is not the case. Here again, as the Common Application continues to try and grow its number of member institutions, it has abandoned those original ideals. More colleges and universities do not have holistic admissions than those that do (for the simple reason that a holistic admission process is much more labor intensive than a data-driven process). So in order to open the door to the majority of institutions in the country, the Common Application now allows schools that do not have holistic admissions to become members. This change quickly resulted in the membership of many public institutions that base admissionà decisions largely on numerical criteria. Because the Common Application keeps shifting to be inclusive of a wide range of colleges and universities, the membership is quite diverse. It includes nearly all top colleges and top universities, but also some schools that are not selective at all. Both public and private institutions use the Common App, as do several historical black colleges and universities. à The Most Recent Common Application Starting in 2013 with CA4, the newest version of the Common Application, the paper version of the application has been phased out and all applications are nowà submitted electronically through the Common Application website. The online application allows you to create different versions of the application for different schools, and the website will also keep track of the different application requirements for the different schools to which you are applying. The roll-out of the current version of the application was fraught with problems, but current applicants should have a relatively trouble-free application process. Many schools will ask for one or moreà supplemental essaysà to complement the essay you write on one of the seven personal essay options provided on the Common Application. Many colleges will also ask for a short answer essay on one of your extracurricular or work experiences. These supplements will be submitted through the Common Application website with the rest of your application. Issues Related to the Common Application The Common Application is most likely here to stay, and the benefits it provides applicants certainly outweigh the negatives. The application is, however, a bit of a challenge for many colleges. Because it is so easy to apply to multiple schools using the Common App, many colleges are finding that the number of applications they are receiving is going up, but the number of students they are matriculating is not. The Common Application makes it more challenging for colleges to predict the yield from their applicant pools, and as a result, many schools are forced to rely more heavily on waitlists. This uncertainly can come back to bite students who find themselves placed in waitlist limbo because colleges simply cant predict how many students will accept their offers of admission.
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